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Speaking Topics for Parents

Deborah Fry, Ph.D., has been leading workshops, conducting seminars and working with couples, parents, and families as well as corporate America since 1990. A certified instructor for the Academy for Parenting Education and Coaching/International Network for Children and Families, much of her training is based on the work of Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs. Deborah’s graduate work at Southern Illinois University was in Child Language Acquisition and Human Communication. Her undergraduate work was in Elementary Education. Currently the Child Development Coordinator Westminster Weekday School, she also teaches a four week parenting course, Redirecting Children's Behavior, which includes a 30 minute private coaching session at the completion of the course. Here is a list of the talks Deborah can present to your group. Each talk can be tailored to your group’s needs and time considerations. Deborah also is available to create a talk specifically for your group.


The Art Of Parenting
Balancing Work and Family – In today’s hectic world, life can quickly get out of balance and children’s misbehavior will increase dramatically when it does. Learn how to nurture yourself and your family so that your family supports your work. Find the balance.


Balancing Love and Discipline – It is easy for parents to become either too easy or too harsh when disciplining, and most parents bounce back and forth between the two. Learn how to be firm and kind, how to discipline with unconditional love and how valuable less talk and more action can be.


Consequences That Work – Many discipline books talk about consequences but few teachers really understand what they are. Find out what natural and logical consequences are and how they can make teaching a lot easier while instilling valuable life lessons in children


Creating Cooperative Families – Discover some easy ways to create a cooperative atmosphere in your family, where every member is a willing participant on the team. Also, learn what to do when the atmosphere is cooperative.


Effective Parent-Child Communication – We always seem to know how to tell children what to do and how to do things, but we don’t always know how to talk to them. You will learn how to listen, acknowledge, encourage, give genuine attention to and appropriately handle the feelings of children.


Enhancing Children’s Self-Esteem – The most talked about concept regarding children today is self-esteem. Find out what it is and how to increase a child’s self-esteem while teaching them to be respectful and responsible.


Getting in Step with Step-Parenting – It is becoming commonplace for a family to include children of different parents. Learn how to work cooperatively with your former spouse and peacefully blend families.


Handling Sibling Rivalry and Fighting – Children will have conflicts and siblings will be competitive. Discover how to bring peace to the fights and how to teach children the skills they need to resolve their conflicts in a peaceful manner.


Helping Children Through Transitions – Change can be hard on everyone, especially children. Discover how to assist your child through all the transitions they encounter; moving, starting school, changing schools, illness, new siblings, etc.


Handling Aggressive Children, Ages Birth Through Six – Learning how to be in the world with others is one of the biggest tasks that young children face. First, you will learn the hallmarks of developmentally appropriate aggression and how to tell when it is becoming a problem. Next, you will find out 15 actions you can take to correct this behavior.


“If You Don’t Stop Crying . . .!” How to Handle Children’s Feelings – Handling the emotions of children in a positive way is one of the biggest challenges of parenthood. Find out what are the feeling stoppers and feeling encouragers and how to work with children’s feelings in each developmental stage.


How To Turn A Terrible Two Into A Terrific Two – The “terrible two’s” is the stage of a young child’s life that is most feared by adults. It actually lasts from 18 months to four years of age. Learn why this age is so important for the child and so difficult for adults and how to make it easier on everyone. Hitting, biting, saying “No”, temper tantrums, sharing, whining and all the great hallmarks of this age will be covered.


Making Peace: Teaching Children How To Handle Conflict – Conflict is a part of life. Discover how to bring peace to the fights and conflicts that arise between children and how to teach children the skills they need to resolve their conflicts in a peaceful manner.

“No I Won’t and You Can’t Make Me!” How to Effectively Handle Power Struggles – Having our authority challenged is one of the biggest (and most infuriating) moments we have as a teacher. Learn what to do and how to disengage from a power struggle as well as what to do so they happen less frequently.


Parenting as a Team – Most parents were raised in similar but different ways. Find out how to blend two different styles of parenting, how to resolve conflicts about discipline, and how to prepare now for what your children will present to you, so you as parents can work with a united and consistent approach.
Positive, Effective Discipline – There is so much information available today on the “right” way to discipline children that it can be confusing and overwhelming. Learn the roots and causes of children’s misbehavior, how to diagnose the misbehavior and apply the proper remedy to redirect behavior.


Raising A Child With God – Learn how to help children on their religious and spiritual path through life. Also learn how to incorporate positive, loving discipline into teaching your children the values and morals you want them to have.


Take The Hassles Out Of Homework – One of the biggest power struggles between parents and children is over homework. Learn how to turn the responsibility of homework over to the child; how to teach children goal setting; how to appropriately respond to grades and report cards; and how to encourage and motivate in ways that enhance self-esteem.


Cultivating Character and Teaching Children Kindness – Violence in our culture and in our children is a topic of concern. Developing kindness and compassion in our children starts at an early age, and is developed through what they see and what we do. Learn the tools that will plant and grow the inborn nature of compassion in ourselves and our children.


Teaching Children Self-Control – Children are not born knowing how to control their emotions and reactions. Find out how to teach children appropriate ways to handle and express themselves, especially in times of upset and turmoil.


Tell Them What To Do, Not What To Don’t! – Find out how making one small shift in your speech can make an incredible difference in a child’s life. Learn how to create more cooperative, responsible children by re-training yourself and what you say to children.


“That’s It, Your Grounded!” Parent-Teen Communication – Talking to a teenager without losing your cool can try your patience and the largest need a teen has is to be listened to. Learn how to effectively communicate with your teen, set clear boundaries and understand what has happened to your “child”.


What to do When The Kids Are Driving You Crazy – Ever had one of those days (weeks, months, years) when it seems that all you are doing is yelling and scolding your children? Discover five tools that can turn the crazy times into more peaceful, loving, fun times.




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